Kids on Coke, Coca-Cola That Is!

Kids on Coke, Coca-Cola That Is!

Getting a Mouth Full at the Coca-Cola Experience at Disney Springs

Like any parent, I consider myself to be a good parent to my kids. So, the fact that the Littles had never even sipped a soda before was a sort of accomplishment for me. Not saying that if you give your kids soda you’re a bad parent or anything, the Hubs and I just hadn’t, until recently. Perched on a rooftop, four stories up, overlooking Disney Springs in Orlando, FL sits an experience of a lifetime at the Coca-Cola Rooftop Beverage Bar.

The Hubs and I had gone to the one in Vegas, in a simpler time, before kids, and tried the “Coke coca-cola-2Around the World” sampler. This a collection of Coke drinks that are manufactured in different areas around the world like China, India and Djibouti. So, we figured we’d usher the kids into the world of carbonated beverages with a BLAST!! And that’s exactly what it was. Our Coca-Cola Concierge, Dayla, who I’m sure does not officially have that title but absolutely deserves it, brought out the two trays containing all 16 samples. She then gave us ­­­­­­­her recommendation of how we should go about the tasting.

Around the world we go… the Hubs began pouring shots of soda for us in our individual cups, starting with a teal-colored one that tasted like chilled Scope mouthwash. Now, going in to this experience we had two rules: NO SPITTING and YOU HAVE TO DRINK IT ALL. coca-cola-1Both the Littles wanted desperately to break both rules for that drink. With swollen cheeks, full, they moaned and groaned but with some encouragement, they reluctantly swallowed. And so we continued on through all 16 samples, some were really good and some were “God awful,” but I’m not going ruin it for you, you have to taste them for yourself to find out.  There was one that we all had to break the rules for, I think it was cold, fish-tank water. We should’ve known better when we looked around and saw the staff all watching us in amazement as we all tilted our cups. Then they burst into laughter as our faces all contorted with disgust.

After completing the sampler, we opted for the “Float sampler.” No more surprises with this one, just some popular drink flavors with a scoop of ice-cream. Grape Crush Float? Awesometastic! Finally, Dayla gave us samples of her three favorites and that was the end of our Coca-Cola Experience. In total, we coca-cola-3sampled 27 different sodas and the Littles had begun to show signs of a sugar rush. The Hubs had to physically restrain our son to keep him from bouncing all over the place. But, as we all know, the greater the sugar high, the greater the crash and crash they did. The Littles danced their way all the way back to the car with some sugar-inspired moves, and less than five minutes into the ride they were both snoring like they hadn’t slept in days. Overall, we had a great time and I recommend this experience for anyone! If you go at night, you just might be able to catch the fireworks show at the nearby Magic Kingdom from the Coca-Cola rooftop.