My Gym Annapolis Fall Enrollment

Why Kids Want to Join My Gym This Year

3 Reasons for Kids to Join My Gym

In case you didn’t know, My Gym is one of country’s premier fitness programs for young children. Taking a unique and fun approach in each age group, there’s a program for kids up to the age of 10 to be involved in. The staff is animated and always full of smiles, laughter and cheer. All year round, gymnastics, theater, dance, sports and cheer are offered, providing the kiddos with the fundamentals they need to help them develop cognitively, physically and emotionally. On top of that, drop-in day camps, parent’s night out, and amazing birthday parties take fun to another level.

Now let’s talk about a few of these great programs:

Parent and Me Classes (Little Bundles and Tiny Tykes)

When the kids were born, I need to get out of the house. While searching activities to do with an infant (because there aren’t many), I ran across My Gym Parent and Me Classes. Once or twice a week, we’d learn fun exercises and techniques we could do with the baby above and beyond standard tummy time. With structure play, parents were able to challenge the baby’s mobile abilities and discuss progression with both the staff and other parents.

All-Star Sports

If you’re ready to try a variety of sports but don’t want to make a full commitment to a team, All-Star Sports is the way to go. It’s here that kids learn how to pass, catch, kick, throw and apply these skills to baseball, soccer, football and just about any other sport of interest.

Preschool Prep

My daughter had the pleasure of attending Preschool Prep and she absolutely loved it. This drop off program focuses on literacy, math and even foreign language to help the kiddos for entry into preschool or Pre-K. In My Gym fashion, there is time for kids to play on the equipment, meet new friends and even create make and take crafts home.

*Bonus* The Lifetime Membership Rocks

Being a lifetime member of My Gym is the business. Not only are we the first to get the details on upcoming events but we get a discount on each one!

Attending classes at My Gym have definitely been a joy for our kids. Fall classes are starting and there are so many to choose from. Learn more about enrollment classes and enrollment here.

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Check Out These My Gym Locations for Special Programs and Discounts





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