Marvel Universe Live Review

Marvel Universe Live Review

Marvel Universe Live: The Ultimate Hero Production

Just when we thought we’d seen the best family entertainment shows around, in comes Marvel Universe Live! I’m not sure how we’ve missed this show in the past but I’m telling you, it’s one that all Marvel fans will enjoy.

As many of you know, our family (especially the kids) likes to dress the part when we go out. Full costumes, face paint, t-shirts, whatever it takes to make our experience that much more enjoyable [Father vs Son Marvel Trivia]! We just like to be “in the moment” I guess. Since we knew that the show would be featuring Black Panther for the first time, it was game on for our two! Our son loved his Black Panther mask and claw and my daughter had mom and dad to create her DIY (in the car) Shuri costume and makeup. Not to my surprise, kids and parents alike all represented in Marvel gear.

Now let’s talk about the show! Have you ever watched behind the scenes of an action movie? Well that’s exactly the way that I’d describe the staging and scenery. It felt like we were side kick heroes who were waiting on a call to jump into the action. The Avengers are traveling across the galaxy in search of a mystical wand in the hands of Nebula. During the adventure, they are helped by Dr. Strange, Dr. Banner and a host of other friends. It didn’t help that Loki and his mischievous nature found a way to make a bad situation worse. There were full size cars, towers, bridges, sound effects, pyrotechnics…..I can’t give up the goodies. Instead I’ll give you our top three moments of the night:

  1. The moment that the Black Panther entered the stage, the crowd went wild. You would have thought we were real Wakandan tribes. It almost felt like we were really in danger and our nation’s hero had just arrived.
  2. Seeing some of the surprise Marvel Heroes like the Immortal Iron Fist show up for battle.
  3. If you ever wondered what it would be like to see and feel a hulk smash-up close and personal, this is it!


If you missed the show, don’t worry, the Marvel Universe Live tour is ongoing until 2019 across the country. Check the official website for tour dates near you! Be sure to tag your photos with #MarvelUniverseLive.

DisclosureI am a Feld Family Ambassador, and in exchange for my time and efforts in attending shows and reporting my opinion within this blog, as well as keeping you advised of the latest discount offers, Feld Entertainment has provided me with complimentary tickets. Although I receive these benefits, opinions are my own.