Outdoor Summer Fun

Taking the Littles Outdoors this Summer

outdoor kids

These last few days of heat and sunshine make up for the last month of rain and dreary days. I don’t mind the kids jumping in muddy puddles and dancing in the rain but we’ve been down that road quite a few times. We are full of energy and have been doing something outside everyday and this weekend will be no exception. There is no rain in the forecast, we have a three-day weekend ahead, the country will honor our military and summer events begin to kickoff! Be sure to check out my latest post on things to do with the Litttles in May. I add things regularly so don’t be a stranger ;).

Although there is practically an event or activity happening in every city during this time of year, I thought I’d share my ideas for Outdoor Summer Fun for the Littles. Here we go!

1. Visit a Local Park
We are hoping to take a hiking trip at Great Falls as it will be a family first. No we are not climbing big mountains but we’ll enjoy a trail where there is a lot of room to explore, play and observe nature in its beauty.

2. Have an Outdoor Field Day
It’s going to be HOT this weekend! Grab some water balloons, water guns, outdoor bounce house ( if you don’t, it’s a great investment), bubbles or create an obstacle course. If you need inspiration, I found great ideas from Simple Kids.

3. Color the Town
There’s no telling where your child’s imagination will take them. Go old school and hand them a bunch of sidewalk chalk. In no time you’ll see a life-size coloring book at your front step.

4. Make Ice Cream
Nothing speaks to my heart more than ice cream when it’s hot! The kids will be stunned when they learn how to make this sweet treat from beginning to end. Since it can take some time for the ice cream to freeze with the right consistency, I would recommend preparing a bake treat while they wait.

5. Backyard Camp Out
My son has been asking us for a backyard camping trip since the winter time. I’ve been pushing it off hoping that he will forget but he’s not letting up. Who can resist setting up the tent, looking for bugs, roasting s’mores and “sleeping” outside under the stars (this Girl)? Without my friends at BuzzFeed, I would not be able to pull this off.

Whatever you decide to do this weekend, make it count! Do you have fun ideas to share? I’d love to add them to the list!
