Disney’s Frozen Movie is Coming to the Ice
Disney’s Frozen is Coming to Disney on Ice
Disney’s “Frozen” will be touring for Disney on Ice!
Breaking news from Disney about the $1.2 Billion dollar move,” Frozen “ has surfaced. If your children, like many, have fallen captive to the movie and the soundtrack, just know that the show is not over. Frozen on Ice will be touring all over the country for the 2014-2015 season. Major surprises are expected for this Disney on Ice Show including snow machines that will make the audience feel like they are trekking up the cold and icing mountains. “Patrons could expect a blizzard created by 20 snow machines, a stage inspired by a six-sided snowflake and towering video projection panels that, among other things, would simulate the movie’s jagged North Mountains, “ said Brooks Barnes of the New York Times.
The show can be described as a Broadway Musical on Ice. To those who know Disney on Ice, they tend to showcase many of Walt Disney characters, I’m sorry but that won’t happen here. It seems as if only Mickey and Minnie will make an appearance but don’t fret because I’m sure that they won’t be missed this time. With 6 different shows touring in the U.S., rehearsals are taking place as early as July.
Okay, enough with the rambling, what you really want to know is when the tickets will go on sale…..
TICKETS GO ON SALE Tuesday, June, 2014
Presale tickets are on sale now, just enter code “SOCIAL”
Shows at the Baltimore Area: Oct 29 – Nov 2
Shows at the Patriot Center: Oct 22 – Oct 26
Get your tickets early, this show will sell out!!
Visit www.Disneyonice.com to check out more cities and dates.